Thursday, 16 March 2017

Understand the data - what knowledge to I need?

What are we up to?  
The following is my  action plan:
On completion of our most recent IKAN and PAT maths assessments students have and will be 
1. analysing their personal data (what do the lines, numbers and dots mean?)
2. can explain their strengths and weaknesses (dialogic and  text/symbols in blog post)
3. learner access any time to individual sets of data to help set learning goal.   Goal is specific for target strand, determined by analysis in step 1.

Check - we have analysed our IKAN data and found our weakest strand as a group is place value.    Since this time we have spent four robust sessions of the learning of place value with a variety of resources.  

Check: do my students understand the following of the place value strand - what is the question actually asking?  What knowledge do I need?

What the place value strand in IKan actually translates to:

Q5 and Q6
How many 10ʼs in a number or what is the number made up of this many 10ʼs to 100
Q5 and Q6
How many 10
ʼs in a number or what is the number made up of this many 10ʼs into 100ʼs. Or round to the nearest 10
How many 100ʼs in a number
How many tenths in a number. Or round a decimal to the nearest whole number.
Q3 and Q4 Biggest or smallest decimal
How many hundredths in a number
Q3 and 4
Decimal knowledge of 10ths, 100ths, 1000ths
Q5 and Q6 Converting fractions, decimals and %

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