Monday, 10 April 2017

Te Taiao O Tamaki - learning that is ubiquitous and rewindable!

 Te Taiao o Tamaki quad blogging this term has been a highlight for students across our cluster. We are delighted to see names from our school listed in those who were very active in the Te Taiao o Tamaki quadblogging go kids!  In the lead up to this event Dorothy Burt led our staff meeting - focus was 'Ubiquitous Learning is Rewindable'. A good part of this had us focusing on the role our blogs have. It is here that students post about their learning which include artefacts of their collaboration with others and often their very own learning and creating processes. It is here that ubiquitous learning can be rewindable.

 In the presentation embedded above by Dorothy Burt you will find from slides 14 onwards, examples of blog posts where students have not only explained their learning in text but have captured video and voice recordings as evidence of their learning.

 I reflected on this as a teacher of year 7 and 8 students. My students are now in their 4th and 5th year of having their own blogs.   These are some questions we need to keep checking in on as educators of Manaiakalani Tamariki.

  • How do we as a team of teachers keep the students enthused and understanding their success when posting such artefacts of learning? 
  • What am I providing as a teacher to ensure this ubiquitous learning continues? 
  •  Does my planning through to delivery provide opportunities for learning to be captured and rewindable? 
  •  What feedback am I giving once this rewindable learning is posted by the students?
  • Opportunities to go back and 'rewind' their learning - is this time of reflection included enough times to enhance and support the learning journey?
Where to next:
As the team of teachers for year 7 and 8 students we often reflect on the above points.   In our collaboration when planning and delivering it is important to continually check over the components of learn, create and share.  At the end of term 1 we can see clearly that learning that goes through all three - provide experiences and learning opportunities that are rewindable.   The learning is embedded more effectively.

Our specific goal as a team is to continue building the create component of our learning along with ways to give timely feedback to our students further than the dialogue that happens in small group.    Feedback is crucial in motivating our learners, the power of an active audience has been and still is valuable to our tamariki.

We've discussed that in the less public domain of google drive we can give critical feedback.   On our blogs which are public we can give feedback with greater depth about understanding and messages projected through the posts.  This will prompt a more evaluative response from both students and teachers.

Looking forward to our celebration at Te Oro where our tamariki will get to capture and blog about this experience that will be rewindable and reflected upon.

Thursday, 6 April 2017

Data - our comparisons from February to April 2017

We've just completed a second round of IKAN tests where we gather a snapshot of the different areas in number.   The students in the target group along with their peers have shown an increase in enthusiasm in learning.  I have noticed an increase in questioning and discussion around what methods they use to problem solve.

In listening to the IKAN's this second time around I picked up again on more learning goals for myself as a teacher.  The terms and phrases I have used have not been as effective as I'd hoped.

Place value was the initial focus for the target group.  However when you observe the data below you will see that it still is the weakest of all areas in number.   There was shift for students - mostly in other areas.

This lack in shift I believe is from not extending the phrases used to support my learners.  For example in the number 789, how many tens are there?  I was accepting '8'.  Whereas the question is actually asking 'How many tens are there in the WHOLE number' which is 78.

My next goal is to be more accurate with my questioning in maths to ensure the correct terminology is used. This will lead me into teaching how to transfer this knowledge of mathematical terminology in problem solving further than place value.

Our team discussions on maths inquiries at Pt England revealed more to me.  I noticed that around the room - especially with place value, there was some inconsistencies too.  A school focus we could well do with is aligning the terminology we use - especially around place value as it is a weakness across the levels.

I am carrying out gloss tests now with this group.  I will share this data here soon.

KEY: blue February IKAN, red April IKAN
Student C made the most progress in all areas - except place value.

You are very welcome to add link in a comment that could support my inquiry of using data to support learners.  I'd love to try out more ideas around 'Place Value Nested', which has been highlighted as something I have overlooked in teaching PV.





Monday, 3 April 2017

I know my results - I know my goal!

End of term
Action plan to date
On completion of our most recent IKAN and PAT maths assessments students have and will be 
1. analysing their personal data (what do the lines, numbers and dots mean?)
*Found with PAT it was challenging to do this as a group as the windows that pop up with explanation of marks.   Doing this as a group was not the way to go. 1-1 conferencing was much better.  Print outs to do whole groups teaching was not effective in that the finer detail was hidden.  

2. can explain their strengths and weaknesses (dialogic and  text/symbols in blog post) 
*Students spent some time looking at a rubric of iKan.  Coaching students into knowing how to use this against their own test paper took a little time.  Completed this with students, needed to set up a clear template to support their reflective post.   

3. learner access any time to individual sets of data to help set learning goal.   Goal is specific for target strand, determined by analysis in step 1.
*Students showed a greater interest in their own learning and progress after highlighting what areas of strength and weakness.   I am confident there has been a shift in engagement and a desire to learn more after making their data accessible with clear learning goals.  Learning goals: I have used this rubric to support our discussions.
4. Updated data: we have just completed another IKAN to capture progress from week 3.  Looking forward to sharing the results with you soon.

Read on for context of the group this inquiry uses.   

Mid term:
Target Group - Priority Learners?
7 children - majority are sitting below the national norm.   2 from 2016 data show to be at.  However small group conferencing and IKAN test it seems that they are sitting below.  The absence in results for IKAN, for 2 due to poor attendance and the other an incorrect filling out of answers.   I hope to test them this week to add their first round of data for 2017.

EthnicityYearOTJ 16Add/SubMult/DivFr/Pr/RaOverallNSFrPVBF
BoyCook Island866E666E654

Through empowering students to analyse and understand their own personal and group data, the students will accelerate their achievement and move into the 'At' and/or 'Above' in the number strand.  (Gloss, PAT and IKAN assessments)

End of term:
Target Group - Priority Learners