Year 7 & 8 had a busy end to the term with their technology expo, gloss and running records, parent interviews and more!
In the space of reporting to parents it is necessary to be 'explain ready' with various pieces of data and knowledge in the area of maths. Maths was our selected curriculum focus for our parent interviews. Some parents found this odd as in the past 2 years we have reported as home class and literacy teachers. Given the lower numbers of parents who attended most ended up visiting both their child's literacy AND maths teachers. So it was a win win situation!
In reporting about maths this prompted me to look very closely at what the students understood to be their strengths and weaknesses. Further to this to offer my advice as to what needs to happen next in their learning. Regardless of my ability in this teaching area parents hold us - the teacher - in a high position of authority and knowledge. Being well prepared with explanations of OTJ and next steps are a priority when reporting to both parents and students.
My target group findings after gloss in May:
1. A common theme for students in my target group is the need to develop skills to interpret word problems. To understand what the question is actually asking in terms of mathematical operations and the sequence in which to work the task out.
An example of word problem that stumped students in this target group:
24 pegs, 2 pegs used to hang out 1 piece of clothing. How many pieces of clothing can you hang out?
Approximately 2/3 of group were stumped. When I did the work of interpreting this to the equation '24 ÷ 2 = ?' students immediately answered correctly '12'.
2. Secondly there was an obvious need to develop their basic knowledge around ratios and proportions. This stood out as the lower strand in the gloss test.
These are two areas I will target with the group in the new term as well as their home learning for the week.
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